COEUM VAULT…Think Of It As The Company Junk Drawer

COEUM Vault Data Room

In days of yesteryear, keeping track of corporate knowledge information was easy. It was always in one of two places…third filing cabinet on the right in the “file room”, or wherever Agnes – Corporate Keeper of all Knowledge told you where it was. Sadly, company life is not that simple these days.

The Need for Greater Organization

The advent of corporate computers, from mainframes to servers, from hosted storage to desktops and laptops now means that on any given day, that customer contract, proof of articles of incorporation, or even the building lease that you so desperately needed five minutes ago could be in one of about seven billion places.

And Agnes just told you she’s thinking about early retirement after her 31 weeks of accrued vacation are up….Nice!

Since the chances of talking Agnes out of the 31 weeks of vacation or the retirement now that she has reached the prime age of 83 are slim and none (and slim just left town), it’s probably time for a new strategy.COEUMVault

Private Dataroom Software

Enter COEUM VAULT, a private corporate data room that houses and maintains all the critical information needed to maintain and grow a business. Novel Concept? Not really! The concept of data rooms are not new, they have been used for decades when M&A, IPO’s, even corporate refinancing have been done. The idea of having a data room or VAULT has never been in question, the problem has always been that they were expensive and not entirely under your control. Time to change the dynamics.

Greater Safety and Efficiency with COEUM Vault

Using a Company owned, company-controlled Vault provides for:

  • Prebuilt & Customizable Templates of what should be saved in the vault for each stage of Company development
  • Centralized Control and Universal Cloud access for always available, always ready usage
  • Less devastating agony of Agnes leaving the Company

Need more? COEUM Vault as a Company Controlled Vault provides:

  • Secure controlled access to sensitive data and corporate info – try that with the third filing cabinet on the left
  • Refresh dates with notifications for individual files for required update to meet compliance and governance requirements
  • A modular system controlled by you for about the Cost of a Large Coffee per day

Father time has proven repeatedly, the longevity and lifecycle of a company creates many milestones. With each milestone, there are demands, some small and easily handled, others much more stressful, demanding and complex. In each case, the milestone creates a demand for information, for documents of due diligence grows to point where it can be all consuming. The given truths of life will never change – Death, taxes, and due diligence frustration are forever. Make it easier, make the process of compliance, governance, corporate funding, commercial loan management, and ultimately, M&A exit, less burdensome with accurate and up to date information that shows off what a great company you have built.

It’s a much better strategy than trying to get Agnes to forgo the 31 weeks of vacation!  COEUM Vault.

To learn more about how COEUM Vault works to help businesses and independent insurance agencies, schedule a complimentary demo today!

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