Info You Need Data In The Palm Of Your Hand...


The Info You Need...WHEN You Need It


EVEN YOUR GUT INSTINCT NEEDS SOME LOVE SOMETIME... Your Business is not just a job, it’s your passion – and that passion shows in everything you do. What comes with that passion are great instincts – or just plain gut feel for when things are right, when things are not so right. What Are They… Cuz Everyone has a Different set. COEUM ANALYTICS takes those gut level, intuition and makes a visual set of indicators to back it up. No matter where the core of that business indigestion comes from, whether it be: *Sales Numbers by Rep, Office, Store or Geography * Individual Product Performance *Financial indicators like AR /AP/ DSO *Production Data from Production Facility or Product Line COEUM Analytics can bring the level of detail you need before the microwave goes ding ding with that first cup of instant coffee in the morning.

COEUM measures the KPI's that matter


Just because you may be a freak IN worrying about the numbers doesn’t mean you're wrong. But every ounce of worry you put into sweating the details, needs to be matched with action, validation and proof. Give your Gut Instinct some help by backing it up with facts and data. COEUM Analytics is designed to translate that early warning, gut level feeling into real points of fact. So where’s the problem: Not enough opportunities or not enough closing? Widget A seems to have bigger volume than our traditional best seller Widget B. Receivables & Days Sales Outstanding seems to be a smidge longer than normal. Lots of money heading out for Marketing programs, but it doesn’t feel like more dollars coming in via sales. At the end of the day, COEUM Analytics is a whole lot more satisfying and effective in giving you answers to the questions that calm that nagging feeling - and a whole lot cheaper too. The choice is simple…. $250 an hour for Counseling and a chance to talk about your feelings, or getting to the bottom line facts you need with COEUM Analytics for about the same cost as your monthly bulk Pepto Bismol subscription. You choose.


As the old saying goes, Opinions are like wallpaper…everybody has some, most we regret. With an always awake Global Business market, Business comes at you pretty fast. Too fast to have an opinion or just guess, when data, knowledge and facts are what are truly required. COEUM Analytics is built to provide daily auto updates to show the current state of the business the way you need to see it. Out with the old 24,000 line hieroglyphics spreadsheet on green bar paper, and in with simple visuals on your phone, tablet, laptop or desktop with exactly what you need. No more being at the mercy of your Partner, Supplier or Vendor to send out reports on an archaic schedule that aren’t exactly what you need. With multiple paths to knowledge, COEUM Analytics can auto update from: * Software based API’s transfer methods * Database Connectors from Financial or POS systems * Spreadsheet Autoloads *Manual Online Input So make it easy. Point COEUM Analytics at the source and let us help answer the question of what is truly going on.


Back in the Day, it may have been OK to get reports Once A Month. Like that is okay today…NOT! With every one of your Competitors trying to put you out of business in this 7 X Forever world, the info needed to run the business has got to be there ASAP or sooner. Now add to that the simple fact that you have never been dependent on anyone else in your life. With payroll on your back, this is no time to become co-dependent and patient in waiting around to validate your strategy and result, or pivot to the point of The Promised Land of Profit. COEUM Analytics solves that need for speed by delivering what you need, when you need and exactly on schedule. Your Gut tells you a lot. It has taken you from Zero-To-Hero in building the Business. Now it’s time to take the next step to Trust but Verify and give you Instincts some back up with COEUM analytics.


Time to get your Gut some backup – back up that is cost effective. Think hours and days not months like most Software Players for breakeven and ROI. COEUM Analytics costs a whole lot less than your cable bill, let alone the fitness club membership that you swear by every January and visit as often as Haley’s Comet streaks across the sky. So give your Gut some help and make the Call…COEUM Audit can make the difference you have been looking for.

Customer Service Defined...

Service by definition, it is “…the involvement, action and delivery of knowledge, assistance and value in support of others…” Ummm, doesn’t seem to say anything about balance sheet, profit center or between the hours of “When Convenient”. COEUM Service means staying with it until it not only meets your expectations, it exceeds them. It is the delivery of a Service which does more than simply clarify a situation of today, it helps provide insight and steer you from the business potholes that lurk tomorrow that you may not have thought of yet. With skills developed and refined over decades of real-life Experience, COEUM Service means Stand & Deliver…it’s not only what you Expect, it’s what you Need. Feel the Difference with COEUM Service.

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